The Real Secret of Getting Ahead

quote of the week Apr 19, 2021

Stalled on a project or building your new habit?

You’re not alone.

Here are the Top 3 reasons you can get stopped:

  1. It’s too big to get your hands around.
  2. No plan.
  3. Afraid of the change the new activity will bring.

 It could be one or a combination of the three.

To make progress do this Action Step TODAY.

Action Step:

  1. Break the new habit or project down into smaller pieces.
  2. Spend a few minutes to plan the next steps with timelines.
  3. Fear usually shows up by not doing anything. 
  4. Be brave and take small actions.
  5. Repeat!

 Learn the Real Secret to Finding and Winning New Customers here

 Stay Focused, 

Jack Rand
7 Simple Sales Steps

Vision is not seeing things as they are but as they will be.