Your Success System

quote of the week Apr 12, 2021
Quote of the Week

 habit — an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary

Habits are a way our brains streamline activities that we perform on a regular basis. The actual process takes very little conscious thought--as you may notice when you tie your shoes, brush your teeth, or take a shower—the activities seem to happen almost automatically.

Once formed a habit can become a challenge to stop, as you may have noticed when you’ve tried to change unwanted behavior. 

The habits knit together to become a system and when that happens success seems to come easier and more consistently.

To begin building your success habit-system do this Action Step TODAY!

Action Step:

  1. What habit do you want to build as part of your success system? (One of my favorites is: 10 phone calls by 10 AM)
  2. Name it.
  3. Break it down into small (very small) pieces and build on it every day.
  4. Track your activity each day to support developing the new habit.
  5. Say, “Yippee” when you do an activity to celebrate your progress.
  6. How does that feel?

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