$197.00 USD

Every month

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Business Building Group

Step-by-step fulfill your vision.

What you'll get:

  • A 7-Step Selling System to Consistently Close More Sales.
  • Personalized coaching in a group format 2x per month
    (on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 12 - 2 PM Pacific, 3 - 5 PM Eastern).
  • Accountability to keep you on track and focused. 

On-Demand training videos: 

  • JumpStart Your Business - STOP being "busy" and START getting results.
  • Find Your Niche - attract the customers you LOVE to work with. 

LIVE Hands-On Interactive Training:

  • Networking Mastery LIVE Course - Convert Connections Into Clients. 
  • Find Your Niche LIVE - attract the customers you LOVE to work with. 

Access to our exclusive Resource Library    

Payment Details

  • This is a monthly subscription.
  • You will be charged $197 each month until you cancel.
  • There will be no refunds for any reason after your first 30 days.
  • Cancel anytime by emailing [email protected]
  • Payment will be deducted from your credit card automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from Stripe.